While details are being finalized for Ha-Ha XXVII, the world famous 750-mile cruiser’s rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, the Grand Poobah can report that registration will open at noon on May 6, 2021. As always, the earlier you sign up for the event, the higher up you will be on the list for the chance of getting a slip in Cabo.
Ha-Ha XXVII will start on November 1 with a parade out of San Diego Bay. Local and Mexican officials, as well as the mariachi band, will be aboard the Dolphin to fire the America’s Cup cannon to launch the fleet. Fireboats will be on hand for the traditional artificial rain send-off.

While not yet confirmed, the Poobah is confident there will be the traditional Ha-Ha Kick-Off Halloween Costume Party at West Marine the day before, with representatives on hand from many marine-related businesses in Mexico.
During the Ha-Ha there will be the usual R&R stops at fun and funky Turtle Bay and pristine Bahia Santa Maria.
Turtle Bay will be the site of the heralded Cruisers versus Turtle Bay Kids ultra fast-paced baseball game, where everybody gets a hit, and where women and children are always ‘safe’. The next day is the potluck beach party at the edge of the badlands.
The stop at pristine Bahia Santa Maria is ideal for beach combing, surfing, paddling in the mangroves, and hill climbing. But the highlight is always the live band rock ’n roll party overlooking the anchored fleet. Dali never created anything as surreal.

As always, there will be daily roll calls with all boat positions recorded, and professional weather reports from Commander’s Weather and other sources. While at sea, those with SSB radios will be able to participate in the daily net. Those with just VHFs will be able to participate on the days the fleet is in port. The radio net is one of the most popular features of the Ha-Ha. Informative, too, as there is always a wealth of knowledge in the fleet.
You can also count on the infamous Ha-Ha dance party and popcorn throw at Squid Roe on the night of November 11, a beach party on November 12 with the ever popular Here To Eternity Kissing Contest in the surf, and an ‘every boat gets an award’ closing ceremony on Saturday the 13th. The Ha-Ha may take up just two weeks on the calendar, but you’ll feel as though you’ve been adventuring for a month or more.
The Ha-Ha XXVII will be managed by the Grand Poobah, who has been in charge of all 26 Ha-Ha’s to date, and who has sailed in all but the second one. Patsy ‘La Reina del Mar’, Assistant Poobah aboard her much traveled Gulfstar 50 Talion, who put together last year’s Covid inspired Nada Ha-Ha, will be Head of Communications for the 14th year in a row. Head of Security Dona de Mallorca will be ready to crack heads for the 24th time. Fortunately, she’s never had to raise her billy club in anger. Profligate, the Poobah’s Hughes 63 catamaran, will be the mothership for the 25th time. Her crew will cumulatively have done the Baja coast well over 100 times.

More than 10,000 sailors aboard more than 3,000 boats have done the Ha-Ha in the first 26 years, and a number of them have counted the Ha-Ha as among the highlights of their sailing careers — if not their lives. The Ha-Ha is a special experience that goes far beyond just sailing. Over the years it generated countless lifetime friendships and several marriages — the latter for which the Ha-Ha cannot be held responsible. It’s also been the first step in hundreds of South Pacific cruises and numerous circumnavigations.
Safety is the number one goal of the Ha-Ha, and so far the safety record has been excellent. In well over 2,250,000 cumulative Ha-Ha ocean miles, one boat was sunk by a whale with the entire crew being rescued, one boat was dismasted, and one boat was inexplicably driven ashore in calm weather and broken up with no injuries to the crew. While there is a certain amount of additional safety in numbers, the Poobah emphasizes that the Ha-Ha is not an offshore babysitting service. Boat owners and crew are responsible for their own proper preparation and well-being.
Looking for a wild and crazy alcohol-fueled reckless adventure? The Ha-Ha is not for you. It’s for those interested in responsible fun.

The Ha-Ha is open to boats 27-ft or longer that were designed, built and have been maintained for offshore sailing. There must be at least two crew with overnight offshore experience. All boats are required to have the ability for two-way communication. InReach and Go! will do just fine, although SSB radio makes the event even more fun.
Ha-Ha weather is typically five to 15 knots from aft, although naturally all participants must be prepared for potentially stronger weather.
Notice of the event, with more details, will be posted by April 6 at www.baja-haha.com. The registration form, pay site, and waivers will all go live at noon on May 6.
We hope you’ll join Ha-Ha XXVII and become a part of Baja sailing history.