Baja Ha-Ha XIX will be on October 28-November 10, 2012.
Taking the 'Whoop' out of Whoopee! 3/30/12
Banderas Bay Regatta Wrap-Up 3/28/12
Calling the Class of '94 3/26/12
Baja History Book 3/26/12
Prime Resource for Cruiser News 3/14/12
Missing Mexico Cruiser 3/2/12
Mexican Bale Fish 3/2/12
Cruise Ship Passengers Robbed in PV 2/29/12
Revolt, Then Peace, in La Cruz 2/27/12
Consistently Insonsistent 2/24/12
Zihua Shows Its Spirit 2/17/12
Club Cruceros de La Paz Hacked 2/8/12
Halftime in Mexico Cruising Season 2/3/12
Sailing Fun & Fundraising at Z-Fest 1/27/12
The Other Cabo 1/20/12
Fantastic Sailing in Acapulco 1/20/12
Mexico Now Requiring Visas 1/16/12
Mexico News 1/9/12
Mexico Cruising Shorts 1/4/12
Still Smiling in Mazatlan 12/21/11
The $25,000 Cruising Solution 12/19/11
Calamari Anyone? 12/12/11
Hot Spot for Dictator's Kids? 12/7/11
Dust Storm Across Baja 12/7/11
Homeward Bound 12/5/11
Blast Wrap-Up 12/5/11
Banderas Bay Blast 12/2/11
Mexican Navy Aids Singlehander 11/30/11
Bits and Pieces from Mexico 11/28/11
Bargain-Boat Cruising 11/18/11
The Fold, Truck and Sail Plan 11/16/11
Post-Ha-Ha Cruising 11/14/11
A Kiss Ain't Just a Kiss 11/9/11
Hating the Ha-Ha 11/9/11
The Memories Linger 11/7/11
Ha-Ha Fleet Reaches Cabo 11/4/11
Non-Update from the Ha-Ha 11/2/11
News Out of Cabo 10/31/11
Fleet Relaxes in Turtle Bay 10/28/11
Tracking the Ha-Ha Fleet 10/26/11
Baja Ha-Ha 18 Heads South 10/24/11
Costco-ing for the Ha-Ha 10/24/11
Concept and Ethos of the Ha-Ha 10/21/11
Baja Ha-Ha Send-Off Parade 10/21/11
Clarifications on Clearing In 10/17/11
Gold Coast Suffers Flooding 10/14/11
Jova a Non-Event in Banderas Bay 10/12/11
Mazatlan Speaks Out 10/10/11
Tropical Storms Threaten Mexico 10/10/11
Two Hurricanes Forecast for PV 10/7/11
About the Cruising Season 10/5/11
New Port of Entry for Ha-Ha Boats 10/3/11
Bodies Dumped in Zihuatanejo 10/3/11
Thinking About Mexico 9/30/11
Going for Broke 9/30/11
Mexico on Sale for Cruisers 9/26/11
Stormpulse Tracks Hurricanes 9/26/11
We Say, "The More the Merrier" 9/23/11
Armed Guards on Cruising Boats? 9/21/11
Five Ha-Ha Boats from One Club 9/19/11
Armed Guards on FUBAR Boats? 9/19/11
The Basics for Clearing into Mexico 9/16/11
Baja Ha-Ha Rally Entries Surge 9/9/11
Crew List Party Tonight! 9/7/11
The Ha-Ha and Hurricanes 9/7/11
A Roundabout Route to Mexico 9/2/11
"Do the Ha-Ha and Get Your Head Cut Off!" 8/29/11
Oceanside YC Welcomes Southbounders 8/24/11
Entry Deadline Approaches 8/17/11
Seven Men Missing in the Sea 7/8/11
Determined to Ha-Ha 6/27/11
Taj, Ha-Ha Entry #51 6/24/11
Baja Ha-Ha Graphic Arts Contest 5/25/11
46 Entries After Two Days 5/4/11
Ha-Ha Registration Begins Today 5/2/11
Founded in 1994 by

What is it?
The Baja Ha-Ha is a two-week cruisers rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, which takes place every fall. Dates for the 2012 event will be October 28-November 10.
For answers to frequently asked questions, please see our About the Ha-Ha page.
Please see our sponsors page and support the businesses and organizations that make this event possible!
Latitude 38's First Timers Guide to Mexico is available in html and as an eBook. |